Certification Body "Standard-Service":


The Certification Body (body according to conformity) "Standard-Service" was created in March, 2003 on the basis of Scientific-Productive Collective Enterprise "Standard-service"


The Certification Body "Standard-Service":

• it is accredited by National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) as certification body of

- production (the certificate of accreditation No.1O095);

- quality management systems and information security management systems (the certificate of accreditation No.8O031);

• it is appointed by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukrainе to certification of production (the certificate No.UA.P.153) in State certification system;

• it is appointed by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukrainе as body of conformity with requirements of technical regulations (number of purpose No.UA.TR.008)


The quality management system of Certification Body "Standard-Service" was certificated to conformity with requirements DSTU ISO 9001 (the certificate of approval No/UA2.047.04086-09)


SPCE "Standard-Service" is the enterprise with a collective pattern of ownership, have the Charter which defines its activity, the status of the legal person, administrative and financial independence, independent balance, the settlement and currency bank accounts, the established sample a press and forms of documents